Create test data in SQL Server
Well I thought I would pull my finger out and write myself a light weight data generator:
declare @select varchar(max), @insert varchar(max), @column varchar(100),
@type varchar(100), @identity bit, @db nvarchar(100)
set @db = N'Orders'
set @select = 'select '
set @insert = 'insert into ' + @db + ' ('
declare crD cursor fast_forward for
select column_name, data_type,
where table_name = @db
open crD
fetch crD into @column, @type, @identity
while @@fetch_status = 0
if @identity = 0 or @identity is null
set @insert = @insert + @column + ', '
set @select = @select +
case @type
when 'int' then '1'
when 'varchar' then '''test'''
when 'nvarchar' then '''test'''
when 'smalldatetime' then 'getdate()'
when 'bit' then '0'
else 'NULL'
end + ', '
fetch crD into @column, @type, @identity
set @select = left(@select, len(@select) - 1)
set @insert = left(@insert, len(@insert) - 1) + ')'
exec(@insert + @select)
close crD
deallocate crD
Given any table, the script will create one record with some arbitrary values for the types; int, varchar, nvarchar, smalldatetime and bit. The case statement could be replaced with a function. It won't travel down dependencies but it will skip any seeded columns.
My motivation for creating this is to test my NHibernate mapping files against a table with some 50 columns so I was after a quick a simple script which can be re-used.
Have you tried ApexSQL Generate: ?
I stumbled upon it during my own search for the similar thing, and it did the job quite well. It’s not free, but you get a free trial with all features available, so you can try before you buy.
I think it will suite your needs quite well, since it keeps track of your relations between tables, column types and even constraints (for a more complex databases).
One thing I liked (and needed, actually) was that it has built-in values for actual names, addresses etc. It helps so much when querying created test data and not get a random strings.
Also, you can export to SQL (or few other formats) and use the created data at any time to repopulate the database.
There is a program from red gate software which will do this for you. It's called SQL Data Generator.