Create your own Gym Exercise and follow along irl
SpecBAS - 387 bytes
1 DIM m$=" @"#13"/|\"#13"/ \","\@/"#13" |"#13"/ \","|@_"#13" |"#13"/ \","_@|"#13" |"#13"/ \","@/"#13" |"#13"/|\"," \@"#13" |"#13"/|\","|@|"#13" |"#13"/ \","\@\"#13" |"#13"/ \","/@/"#13" |"#13"/ \"
2 INPUT a$: o=0
3 IF LEN a$<2 OR LEN a$>100 THEN 10
4 FOR i=1 TO LEN a$
5 n=VAL(a$(i))
6 IF n=0 OR n=o THEN 10
7 CLS : ?m$(n): o=n: WAIT 750
8 NEXT i
9 GO TO 4
10 CLS : ?" @"#13"-O-"#13"/ \"#13"FAT"
Keeps looping until you press ESC. Failure to exercise properly (incorrect input - in this example a 0 as one of the steps) leads to fatness. The GIF loops, in the program it just stops at that point.
is the SpecBAS equivalent to \n
and lets you include line feed in strings.
JavaScript (ES6), 165 bytes
f=s=>{n=s[0];e.textContent=' @ \\@/|@__@|@/ \\@|@|\\@\\/@/'.substr(n*3-3,3)+(n>1?`
`)+(n<5|n>6?'/ \\':'/|\\');s=s.slice(1)+n;s[0]-n&&setTimeout(f,750,s)}
<pre id=e>