Creating a custom admin theme for Django

The Django Admin Site docs has a section on overriding admin templates.

Grapelli is the most common Django theme that I'm aware of. I recommend you have a look at the source and see how they've done it.

In addition to Grapelli, would like to add some others possible options I personally like:

  • Django Suit
  • Django Dashboard NowUI - with a PRO version

If you decide going with Django Suit, one of my previous QAs explains the needed steps.

If you go with Django Dashboard NowUI, you have to clone the source code (available in GitHub). That project has associated with it a requirements.txt which you have to install (i suggest in a Python venv)

pip install -r requirements.txt

Before being able to runserver, you'll need to makemigrations and migrate to generate some needed tables and that's it - that simple.