Creating a Hexagonal Lattice with VoronoiMesh

Here is what I was suggesting in comments:


relaxed = Nest[
   PropertyValue[{VoronoiMesh[#, {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}], {2, All}}, MeshCellCentroid] &,
   RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {45, 2}],
mesh = VoronoiMesh[relaxed, {{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}, MeshCellStyle -> {1 -> White}];

relaxed quasi-hexagonal lattice

Then extract the cell primitives corresponding to the interior cells and generate a new Mesh object:

interiorMesh = MeshRegion[
   MeshCells[mesh, {2, "Interior"}],
   MeshCellStyle -> {1 -> White}

new mesh comprising only the interior cells from the previous Mesh

Depending on whether the application focuses on visualization or further computation, one could prefer having the output as simple Graphics objects instead, which are far easier to style than mesh components, at least for me:

  Darker@Green, EdgeForm[{Thick, White}], 
  MeshPrimitives[mesh, {2, "Interior"}]

Graphics output for the same selection

If you are not completely attached to Voronoi, you might consider tiling with hexagons and then perturbing their coordinates. GraphicsComplex makes it work.

Define a hexagon.

HexTile[s_] := Polygon[s*{{Sqrt[3], 1}/2, {0, 1}, {-Sqrt[3], 1}/2,
                          {-Sqrt[3], -1}/2, {0, -1}, {Sqrt[3], -1}/2}]

Allow for translation.

TranslateObject[p_, {x_, y_}] := Map[{x, y} + # &, p, {2}]

Make a grid of hexagons.

HexGrid[s_, h_, v_] :=
      TranslateObject[HexTile[s], s {i*Sqrt[3] + Mod[j, 2]*Sqrt[3]/2, 3 j/2}],
      {i, 0, h}, {j, 0, v}], 1]

Make a perturbed grid of hexagons.

HexGridPerturbed[s_, h_, v_, r_] := 
   Block[{poly = Map[Round[#, 10.^-10] &, HexGrid[N[s], h, v], {2}], p, m, rules},
      p = DeleteDuplicates[Flatten[poly[[All, 1]], 1]];
      m = Length[p];
      rules = Dispatch[Thread[p -> Range[m]]];
         p + RandomReal[{-r, r}, {m, 2}],
         poly /. rules]


      EdgeForm[{Thick, White}],
      HexGridPerturbed[s, h, v, r]}],
   {{s, 1, "Hexagon Size"}, 0.1, 3., Appearance -> "Labeled"},
   {{h, 5, "Horizontal Count"}, 1, 10, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
   {{v, 3, "Vertical Count"}, 1, 10, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
   {{r, 0., "Random Noise"}, 0., 1., Appearance -> "Labeled"}

perturbed hexagonal grid


With this code, I was able to make a 3D impression saving the result of the code in a file with the extension STL.

enter image description here

mesh = VoronoiMesh[pts]; 
hexagons = Select[Length[#[[1]]] == 6 &] @ MeshPrimitives[mesh, {2, "Interior"}]; 

DiscretizeGraphics @ Graphics @ hexagons

enter image description here

rt = 0.5;
pts = Flatten[Table[{3/2 i + RandomReal[rt], 
  Sqrt[3] j + Mod[i, 2] Sqrt[3]/2 + RandomReal[rt]}, {i, L + 2}, {j, L + 2}], 1];
mesh = VoronoiMesh[pts];

hexagons = Select[Length[#[[1]]] == 6 &] @ MeshPrimitives[mesh, {2, "Interior"}]; 
DiscretizeGraphics @ Graphics @ hexagons

enter image description here