Creating a new user with credentials, then obtaining a token for that user with Doorkeeper in an API
It was the simplest of things! I was overcomplicating it by trying to POST, when in actual fact I could simply generate the DoorKeeper::AccessToken in user#create, and then return this.
Here's the code to generate the token:
access_token = Doorkeeper::AccessToken.create!(:application_id => application_id, :resource_owner_id => user_id)
I dig a bit in the doorkeeper source code, like the way that creating token using standard api way, you'd better using the following method if you are manually doing this.
find_or_create_for(application, resource_owner_id, scopes, expires_in, use_refresh_token)
for your case
access_token = Doorkeeper::AccessToken.find_or_create_for(application: application, resource_owner_id: user_id)
link to source code of doorkeeper find_or_create_for in doorkeeper
In rails we can create access token using DoorKeeper using:
application_id: nil,
expires_in: 2.hours,
scopes: 'public'