creating a new virtual environment python code example
Example 1: create a venv
# Create the virtual environment.
python -m venv venv
# Activate the env.
Example 2: create a virtualenv python
pip install virtualenv
cd projectfolder #go to project folder
virtualenv projectname #create the folder projectname
source projectname/bin/activate
Example 3: how to create a virtual environment for python project
Create Virtual Environment
1. Install "vitrualenv" packages globally
python3 -m pip install virtualenv
Check installed version : virtualenv -V
2. Create a directory for your Virtual Environments
Mkdir VirtialEnv
3. Move to this direcory
Cd VirtialEnv
4. Create your python virtual environment
virtualenv {name of your venv}
virtualenv myvenv
virtualenv myvenv -p python3
5. Activate virtual env
. Myvenv/bin/activate
/myvenv/bin/activate.bat (Windows)
6. Now your terminal is using this Virtual environment for your python project
Check python version
pythoon -V
7. After done your work you need to deactivate you Virtual env
Example 4: how to make a venv python
python3 -m venv env
python -m virtualenv env #py2
source env/bin/activate
#all this is on same directory