Creating a note section
Is this something that you were looking for ?
Then you can use the new command \notte
derived from the environment quote
\notte{To create a note section like in the picture, use the command \texttt{notte}.}
\notte{Another note}
An inevitable tcolorbox
solution, providing a lot of configuration possibilities.
The default shift of the Note:
is set to 1.5cm
, but this can be changed by the option nodeshift=...
noteshift/.store in=\mynote@shift,
sharp corners,
left skip=\mynote@shift,
right skip=\mynote@shift,
overlay={\node[right] (mynotenode) at ([xshift=-\mynote@shift]frame.west) {\textbf{Note:}} ;},
\mynote{Brontosaurs are thin at one end, thick in the middle and thin again at the other end}
% Exaggerated example
\mynote[noteshift=4cm,colback=green!40]{Brontosaurs are thin at one end, thick in the middle and thin again at the other end}
A solution with tabularx, makecell
and linegoal
\usepackage[svgnames, table]{xcolor}
\usepackage{tabularx, makecell, linegoal}
\usepackage{lipsum}% only for example text
\newcommand{\mynote}[1]{\medskip\par\textbf{\small Note}\quad\setlength{\extrarowheight}{2pt}\begin{tabularx}{\linegoal}{X}
\rowcolor{WhiteSmoke!80!Lavender}#1 \\
\mynote{Internal pullup resistors are enabled on the MSP430F20xx to support l\textsuperscript{2}C communication}