Creating a RESTful API using Flask?

Short answer:

restful.Resource is from a Flask-Restful extension, which is not Flask itself. Miguel's tutorial uses Flask to write a restful interface.

Long answer:

First of all, along with Flask, there are a number of Flask extensions. Although they work together, they are separate packages and are written by individual authors. Flask-Restful is an extension to Flask.

Miguel's tutorial explains how you can make a restful api using Flask by itself.

Flask-Restful with the aim to saving some of us from re-inventing the wheel, promises to turn a custom class(or a custom Python data structure) to a restful web service. Flask-RESTX, a fork of Flask-Restful, auto-generates api documentation with swagger UI.

In addition, Flask also documented the usage of MethodView to allow developers to write their own restful APIs. In parallel, Flask-Restless promises to turn a SqlAlchemy class into a restful web service.

An update(18/07/2016), flask-api turns a function/view into a restful interface and is designed by Tom Christie, the author of django restful framework.

an update(17/03/2021), Flask-RESTPlus does smiliar things as above libraries but it also helps you construct swagger API documentation, which is an extra bonus.

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