Creating a tree from a flat list using lodash

Your code is very imperative. Try focusing on the "big picture" of data flow instead of writing code by trial-and-error. It's harder, but you get better results (and, in fact, usually it's faster) :)

My idea is to first group the categories by their parents. This is the first line of my solution and it actually becomes much easier after that.

_.groupBy and _.keyBy help a lot here:

function makeCatTree(data) {
    var groupedByParents = _.groupBy(data, 'parent');
    var catsById = _.keyBy(data, 'id');
    _.each(_.omit(groupedByParents, ''), function(children, parentId) {
        catsById['c' + parentId].children = children; 
    _.each(catsById, function(cat) {
        // isParent will be true when there are subcategories (this is not really a good name, btw.)
        cat.isParent = !_.isEmpty(cat.children); 
        // _.compact below is just for removing null posts
        cat.children = _.compact(_.union(cat.children, cat.posts));
        // optionally, you can also delete cat.posts here.
    return groupedByParents[''];

I recommend trying each part in the developer console, then it becomes easy to understand.

I have made a small fidde that I think that is what you want.

var tree = buildTree(getData());
var pre = document.getElementById('a');
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(tree, null, 4);
pre.innerHTML = jsonString;


function buildTree(data, parent){
    var result = [];
    parent = typeof parent !== 'undefined' ? parent : {id:""};
    children = _.filter(data, function(value){
        return value.parent ===;
        _.each(children, function(child){
            if (child != null){
                    var posts = _.filter(child.posts, function(post){
                        return post !== null && typeof post !== 'undefined';
                        _.forEach(posts, function(post){
                            post.isParent = false;
                    result = _.union(result, posts);
                    delete child.posts;
                ownChildren = buildTree(data, child);
                    child.isParent = true;
                    child.children = ownChildren;
                    child.isParent = false;
    return result;

EDIT: made a new fiddle to contain the isParent part you can find it here