Creating a zip file inside Google Drive with Apps Script

Actually it's even easier than that. Files are already Blobs (anything that has getBlob() can be passed in to any function that expects Blobs). So the code looks like this:

var folder = DocsList.getFolder('path/to/folder');
folder.createFile(, ''));

Additionally, it won't work if you have multiple files with the same name in the Folder... Google Drive folders support that, but Zip files do not.

To make this work with multiple files that have the same name:

var folder = DocsList.getFolder('path/to/folder');
var names = {};
  var n = f.getName();
  while (names[n]) { n = '_' + n }
  names[n] = true;
  return f.getBlob().setName(n);
}), ''));

As DocsList has been deprecated, You can use the following code to zip an entire folder containing files and sub-folders and also keep its structure:

var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById('<YOUR FOLDER ID>');
var zipped =, ''), folder.getName()+'.zip');

function getBlobs(rootFolder, path) {
  var blobs = [];
  var files = rootFolder.getFiles();
  while (files.hasNext()) {
    var file =;
  var folders = rootFolder.getFolders();
  while (folders.hasNext()) {
    var folder =;
    var fPath = path+folder.getName()+'/';
    blobs.push(Utilities.newBlob([]).setName(fPath)); //comment/uncomment this line to skip/include empty folders
    blobs = blobs.concat(getBlobs(folder, fPath));
  return blobs;

getBlobs function makes an array of all files in the folder and changes each file name to it's relative path to keep structure when became zipped.

To zip a folder containing multiple items with the same name use this getBlob function:

function getBlobs(rootFolder, path) {
  var blobs = [];
  var names = {};
  var files = rootFolder.getFiles();
  while (files.hasNext()) {
    var file =;
    var n = file.getName();
    while(names[n]) { n = '_' + n }
    names[n] = true;
  names = {};
  var folders = rootFolder.getFolders();
  while (folders.hasNext()) {
    var folder =;
    var n = folder.getName();
    while(names[n]) { n = '_' + n }
    names[n] = true;
    var fPath = path+n+'/';
    blobs.push(Utilities.newBlob([]).setName(fPath)); //comment/uncomment this line to skip/include empty folders
    blobs = blobs.concat(getBlobs(folder, fPath));
  return blobs;