Creating an instance of a generic type in DART

I tried mezonis approach with the Activator and it works. But it is an expensive approach as it uses mirrors, which requires you to use "mirrorsUsed" if you don't want to have a 2-4MB js file.

This morning I had the idea to use a generic typedef as generator and thus get rid of reflection:

You define a method type like this: (Add params if necessary)

typedef S ItemCreator<S>();

or even better:

typedef ItemCreator<S> = S Function();

Then in the class that needs to create the new instances:

class PagedListData<T>{
  ItemCreator<T> creator;
  PagedListData(ItemCreator<T> this.creator) {


  void performMagic() {
      T item = creator();

Then you can instantiate the PagedList like this:

PagedListData<UserListItem> users 
         = new PagedListData<UserListItem>(()=> new UserListItem());

You don't lose the advantage of using generic because at declaration time you need to provide the target class anyway, so defining the creator method doesn't hurt.

You can use similar code:

import "dart:mirrors";

void main() {
  var controller = new GenericController<Foo>();

class GenericController<T extends RequestHandler> {
  void processRequest() {
    //T t = new T();
    T t = Activator.createInstance(T);

class Foo extends RequestHandler {
  void tellAboutHimself() {
    print("Hello, I am 'Foo'");

abstract class RequestHandler {
  void tellAboutHimself();

class Activator {
  static createInstance(Type type, [Symbol constructor, List
      arguments, Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
    if (type == null) {
      throw new ArgumentError("type: $type");

    if (constructor == null) {
      constructor = const Symbol("");

    if (arguments == null) {
      arguments = const [];

    var typeMirror = reflectType(type);
    if (typeMirror is ClassMirror) {
      return typeMirror.newInstance(constructor, arguments, 
    } else {
      throw new ArgumentError("Cannot create the instance of the type '$type'.");

I don't know if this is still useful to anyone. But I have found an easy workaround. In the function you want to initialize the type T, pass an extra argument of type T Function(). This function should return an instance of T. Now whenever you want to create object of T, call the function.

class foo<T> {
    void foo(T Function() creator) {
        final t = creator();
        // use t

P.S. inspired by Patrick's answer

