Creating file through command line for app resigning
You just need to use the name of your appiconset
So in this example add:
--app-icon AppIcons --output-partial-info-plist build/partial.plist
Have getting same issues, but after an hour R&D got success with the below code:
/Applications/ Assets.xcassets --compile build --platform iphoneos --minimum-deployment-target 9.0 --app-icon AppIcon --output-partial-info-plist myfolder/info.plist
/usr/bin/xcrun actool Assets.xcassets --compile build --platform iphoneos --minimum-deployment-target 8.0 --app-icon AppIcon --output-partial-info-plist build/partial.plist
Where you can change platform value and output path {such as myfolder/build is folder name}