creating class properties dynamically

The three-argument for of type lets you create classes dynamically. So, a sketch:

def dynamic_getter(self):
    # acquire "stuff"
    return stuff

def dynamic_setter(self,stuff):
    # store  "stuff"

DynamicClass =  type('DynamicClass', (SomeBase,), {"dynamic_property_name":property(fget=dynamic_getter,fset=dynamic_setter)})

Or, more concretely:

In [1]: class SomeBase:
   ...:     def __init__(self):
   ...:         self._foo = 42
   ...: def dynamic_getter(self):
   ...:     # acquire "stuff"
   ...:     return self._foo
   ...: def dynamic_setter(self,stuff):
   ...:     # store  "stuff"
   ...:     pass
   ...: DynamicClass =  type('DynamicClass', (SomeBase,), {"dynamic_property_name":property(fget=dynamic_getter,fset=dynamic_setter)})

In [2]: instance = DynamicClass()

In [3]: instance.dynamic_property_name
Out[3]: 42

Note: type is literally a class object like any other, and calling it in it's three-argument form is a constructor for new class object instances, it is the class that creates other class objects, i.e. a metaclass. Indeed, you can think of a class definition statement as syntactic sugar for the above.

A template-based with exec (if you want to use a complex statement, you'd need exec, eval only allows expressions) approach is also viable, if you find that easier to work with. Indeed, that is how collections.namedtuple works in the standard library.

Note: you seem to be confused about the nature of properties in Python. Instance attribtus are not specified on the class, rather, you'd add a function that initializes those instance attributes (typically __init__) but you can add instance attributes anywhere, even outside of a method/class.