Creating grouped bar-plot of multi-column data in R

As requested, a ggplot2 solution that also uses reshape2:


df <- read.table(text = "       Input Rtime Rcost Rsolutions  Btime Bcost 
1   12-proc.     1    36     614425     40    36 
2   15-proc.     1    51     534037     50    51 
3    18-proc     5    62    1843820     66    66 
4    20-proc     4    68    1645581 104400    73 
5 20-proc(l)     4    64    1658509  14400    65 
6    21-proc    10    78    3923623 453600    82",header = TRUE,sep = "")

dfm <- melt(df[,c('Input','Rtime','Btime')],id.vars = 1)

ggplot(dfm,aes(x = Input,y = value)) + 
    geom_bar(aes(fill = variable),stat = "identity",position = "dodge") + 

enter image description here

Note a style difference here, where since log(1) = 0, ggplot2 treats that as a bar of zero height and doesn't plot anything, whereas barplot plots a little stub (which in my opinion is a little misleading).

As requested, a ggplot2 solution that also uses pivot_longer() to transform the data into a format that geom_bar() can easily plot.


df <- read.table(text = "       Input Rtime Rcost Rsolutions  Btime Bcost 
1   12-proc.     1    36     614425     40    36 
2   15-proc.     1    51     534037     50    51 
3    18-proc     5    62    1843820     66    66 
4    20-proc     4    68    1645581 104400    73 
5 20-proc(l)     4    64    1658509  14400    65 
6    21-proc    10    78    3923623 453600    82", 
header = TRUE,sep = "")

dfm <- pivot_longer(df, -Input, names_to="variable", values_to="value")
## pivot_longer takes the input data frame, excludes the Input field from the transformation, turns the remaining column names into the variable "variable" (often called the "key"), and assigns the values to the variable "value". 

ggplot(dfm,aes(x = Input,y = value)) + 
    geom_bar(aes(fill = variable),stat = "identity",position = "dodge") + 

enter image description here

I think I understand the problem and this is what I would suggest (short run - option):

data <- read.table("data.txt", header=TRUE)
subset <- t(data.frame(data$Rtime, data$Btime))
barplot(subset, legend = c("Rtime", "Btime"), names.arg=data$Input, log="y", beside=TRUE)

Is that what you want? It is kind of dirty, but it does the job.

Update: code corrected.


