Creating objects dynamically in loop

What are you trying to do is not possible in statically-typed language. IIRC, that's possible on PHP, and it's not advisable though.

Use dictionary instead:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class myClass{

    public string Name { get; set; }
    public myClass(){

class MainClass

    public static void Main() 
        string[] array = new string[] { "one", "two", "three" };
        IDictionary<string,myClass> col= new Dictionary<string,myClass>();
        foreach (string name in array)
              col[name] = new myClass { Name = "hahah " + name  + "!"};

        foreach(var x in col.Values)



hahah one!
hahah two!
hahah three!
hahah two!

While others have given you an alternate but no one is telling why do they recommend you that.

That's because You cannot access object with dynamic names.

(Food for thought: Just think for a moment if you could do so, how will you access them before they are even coded/named.)

Instead create a Dictionary<string, myClass> as others mentioned.

Use a Dictionary<String, myClass> instead:

var dict= new Dictionary<String, myClass>();

foreach (string name in array)
    dict.Add(name, new myClass());

Now you can access the myClass instances by your names:

var one = dict["one"];

or in a loop:

foreach (string name in array)
    myClass m = dict[ name ];