Creating point at line end using QGIS

There is a possibility using a "Virtual Layer" through Layer > Add Layer > Add/Edit Virtual Layer...

Let's assume there is a polyline layer called 'polylines' (blue lines).


With the following query, it is possible to create a point at the end of each line.

SELECT st_endpoint(geometry), *
FROM "polylines"

The output point layer (yellow) with its attribute table will look like


Mind the difference between ST_StartPoint() and ST_EndPoint(). Basically, what @TeddyTedTed meant by Which one you need will depend on the direction of the line.

In the Processing Toolbox use the Extract Specific Vertices tool, for the Vertex indices use 0 for the first vertex and -1 for the last vertex. Which one you need will depend on the direction of the line.

EDIT: Apologies, I didn't read your question properly, you said automatically. If it's just for display purposed you could use a geometry generator symbology to show a point at the end of the line using end_point($geometry) as the expression. If you need to create an actual data point automatically every time a line is created then I'm not sure how to do that.

A simple solution could be:

Using Vector ‣ Geometry Tools ‣ Extract verticas. Afterwards simply delete all points but thoose which were generated at the end and beginning.