creating weighted graph in c# code example

Example 1: creating weighted graph in c#

public class Graph
    public Node Root;
    public List AllNodes = new List();

    public Node CreateRoot(string name)
        Root = CreateNode(name);
        return Root;

    public Node CreateNode(string name)
        var n = new Node(name);
        return n;

    public int?[,] CreateAdjMatrix()
        // Matrix will be created here...

Example 2: creating weighted graph in c#

public class Arc
    public int Weigth;
    public Node Parent;
    public Node Child;

Example 3: creating weighted graph in c#

public class Node
    public string Name;
    public List Arcs = new List();

    public Node(string name)
        Name = name;

    /// Create a new arc, connecting this Node to the Nod passed in the parameter
    /// Also, it creates the inversed node in the passed node
    public Node AddArc(Node child, int w)
        Arcs.Add(new Arc
            Parent = this,
            Child = child,
            Weigth = w

        if (!child.Arcs.Exists(a => a.Parent == child && a.Child == this))
            child.AddArc(this, w);

        return this;


Misc Example