Cross-product between table column and input values

In other RDBMS (like SQL Server before 2008 - as per Paul's comment) one might cross join to a subquery with UNION ALL SELECT, but there are more convenient and efficient options in Postgres.

And you don't need a CTE for this. You can use it, but it has no performance benefit.

  1. Provide a set with VALUES:

    VALUES computes a row value or set of row values specified by value expressions. It is most commonly used to generate a "constant table" within a larger command, but it can be used on its own.

    SELECT t.i, m.col1
    FROM   mTable m
    CROSS  JOIN (VALUES (1), (2)) t(i);
  2. Provide an array and unnest()

    2a. with an array constructor:

    SELECT i, m.col1
    FROM   mTable m
    CROSS  JOIN unnest (ARRAY[1,2]) i;

    2b. With an array literal:

    SELECT i, m.col1
    FROM   mTable m
    CROSS  JOIN unnest ('{1,2}'::int[]) i;

Add ORDER BY i, m.col1 if you need the sort order in your result.

About row and array syntax:

  • Array of strings when updating a field

What you're describing is a CROSS JOIN.

SELECT input.n, mTable.column
FROM mTable, (
    SELECT 1 AS n
    SELECT 2 AS n) AS input;

.. or, in more modern SQL notation,

SELECT input.n, mTable.column
FROM mTable
    SELECT 1 AS n
    SELECT 2 AS n) AS input;

It's essentially a join without join conditions and it displays the cartesian product of mTable and input, similar to INNER JOIN ... ON 1=1.

You may also be able to use the LATERAL construct for potentially better performance, but PostgreSQL isn't my strong card.