CScript/WScript Prevent an error from being blocking

This is how you should be running Script batch jobs:

cscript //b scriptname.vbs

Don't use WScript; use CScript. At the Windows command prompt, type the following to display help.

cscript //?
I suggest the following:
cscript //H:CScript
This will make CScript your default scripting interpreter. CScript prints messages to the console (i.e., stdout) as you desire. (It does not use dialog windows.) You may also want to try the //B switch, but I can't tell if that has to be run per-script or not. If it is a persistent, one-time switch like the //H switch is, then this may work for you; if not, you may need to modify all of your remote programs to include it. From the information you provided, I think just changing the default interpreter (//H) will do what you want.

You will also need to add some sort of error handling to keep the script from terminating on an error. In Visual Basic Scripting Edition, the easiest thing to do if you just want to ignore errors is to add the following to the top of your script.

On Error Resume Next
See for more information.