array lastindexof code example

Example 1: Javascript get last item in array

var colors = ["red","blue","green"];
var green = colors[colors.length - 1]; //get last item in the array

Example 2: lastindexof javascript

string.lastIndexOf(searchValue[, fromIndex])

Example 3: last index of array js

array.lastIndexOf(searchElement[, fromIndex]);

Example 4: lastindexof

var numbers = [2, 5, 9, 2];
numbers.lastIndexOf(2);     // 3
numbers.lastIndexOf(7);     // -1
numbers.lastIndexOf(2, 3);  // 3
numbers.lastIndexOf(2, 2);  // 0
numbers.lastIndexOf(2, -2); // 0
numbers.lastIndexOf(2, -1); // 3

Example 5: lastindexof js
