c# compare values of two objects and update for properties with different code example

Example 1: c# compare two objects for changes

public static JObject FindDiff(this JToken Current, JToken Model)
    var diff = new JObject();
    if (JToken.DeepEquals(Current, Model)) return diff;

        case JTokenType.Object:
                var current = Current as JObject;
                var model = Model as JObject;
                var addedKeys = current.Properties().Select(c => c.Name).Except(model.Properties().Select(c => c.Name));
                var removedKeys = model.Properties().Select(c => c.Name).Except(current.Properties().Select(c => c.Name));
                var unchangedKeys = current.Properties().Where(c => JToken.DeepEquals(c.Value, Model[c.Name])).Select(c => c.Name);
                foreach (var k in addedKeys)
                    diff[k] = new JObject
                        ["+"] = Current[k]
                foreach (var k in removedKeys)
                    diff[k] = new JObject
                        ["-"] = Model[k]
                var potentiallyModifiedKeys = current.Properties().Select(c => c.Name).Except(addedKeys).Except(unchangedKeys);
                foreach (var k in potentiallyModifiedKeys)
                    var foundDiff = FindDiff(current[k], model[k]);
                    if(foundDiff.HasValues) diff[k] = foundDiff;
        case JTokenType.Array:
                var current = Current as JArray;
                var model = Model as JArray;
                var plus = new JArray(current.Except(model, new JTokenEqualityComparer()));
                var minus = new JArray(model.Except(current, new JTokenEqualityComparer()));
                if (plus.HasValues) diff["+"] = plus;
                if (minus.HasValues) diff["-"] = minus;
            diff["+"] = Current;
            diff["-"] = Model;

    return diff;

Example 2: how to compare two entity objects in c# to update

var comparer = new ProductNumberEqualityComparer();

var itemsToDelete = ProductsFromDB.Except(ProductsFromTXT, comparer).ToList();
foreach (Product item in itemsToDelete)
   // TODO: Delete the product

var itemsToUpdate = from dbProduct in ProductsFromDB
                    join txtProduct in ProductsFromTXT
                    on dbProduct.ProductNumber equals txtProduct.ProductNumber
                    select new

foreach (var item in itemsToUpdate)
   // Update the product:
   item.dbProduct.Brand = item.txtProduct.Brand;
   item.dbProduct.Category = item.txtProduct.Category;
   item.dbProduct.Price = item.txtProduct.Price;

   // TODO: Update the stock items if required

var itemsToAdd = ProductsFromTXT.Except(ProductsFromDB, comparer).ToList();
foreach (Product item in itemsToAdd)
   // TODO: Add the product