C# math code example

Example 1: c# round number

double number = 1.5362
int rounded = Math.Round(number)
//rounds number to 2
double rounded_2 = Math.Round(number, 2)
//rounds number to 1.54

Example 2: C# .net core convert to int round up

// Use Math.Ceiling to round up
Math.Ceiling(0.5); // 1

// Use Math.Round to just round
Math.Round(0.5, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // 1

// And Math.Floor to round down
Math.Floor(0.5); // 0

Example 3: math operations in c#

Console.WriteLine("" + x);
            Console.WriteLine("x +=" + (x += 5));
            Console.WriteLine("x -=" + (x -= 5));
            Console.WriteLine("x *=" + (x *= 5));
            Console.WriteLine("x /=" + (x /= 5));
            Console.WriteLine("x %=" + (x %= 3));
            Console.WriteLine("x &=" + (x &= 5));
            Console.WriteLine("x ^=" + (x ^= 5));
            Console.WriteLine("x >>=" + (x >>= 5));
            Console.WriteLine("x <<=" + (x <<= 5));