database update entity framework code example
Example 1: entity framework migration
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
Example 2: ef rollback migration
Example 3: entity framework update database automatically
public static IHost MigrateDbContext<TContext>(
this IHost host,
Action<TContext, IServiceProvider> seeder = null)
where TContext : DbContext
using (var scope = host.Services.CreateScope())
var services = scope.ServiceProvider;
var logger = services.GetRequiredService<ILogger<TContext>>();
var context = services.GetService<TContext>();
logger.LogInformation($"Migrating database associated with context {typeof(TContext).Name}");
var retry = Policy.Handle<Exception>().WaitAndRetry(new[]
retry.Execute(() =>
logger.LogInformation($"Migrated database associated with context {typeof(TContext).Name}");
catch (Exception ex)
logger.LogError(ex, $"An error occurred while migrating the database used on context {typeof(TContext).Name}");
return host;
Example 4: how to update model in entity framework db first approach
Scaffold-DbContext "Server=(localdb)\v11.0;Database=Blogging;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -Force