do while loops in python code example
Example 1: python do while
# Python does not have a do-while loop. You can however simulate
# it by using a while loop over True and breaking when a certain
# condition is met.
# Example:
i = 1
while True:
i = i + 1
if(i > 3):
Example 2: python while
# a while loop repeats its instructions as long as the condition is met
# this one will loop indefinitely
python_is_cool = True
while python_is_cool:
print("I love python!")
# while loops are useful when you don't know the number
# of times you want to iterate in advance
Example 3: how to write a while statement in python
myvariable = 10
while myvariable > 0:
myvariable -= 1
Example 4: while loop in python
j = 0
while j < 3:
print("hello") # Or whatever you want
j += 1
#This runs the loop until reaches 3 and above