ef core default add data code example

Example 1: how to seed data in EF

// This method of seeding is creating another Project alongside your webApi
* Seed File [0/7]
  - [ ] Create Seed Project 
       - mkdir Seeder; cd Seeder; dotnet new console;
  - [ ] Manage Dependencies
       - Add in references to your DbContexts in your Seeder.csproj like

          <ProjectReference Include="..\path\name.csproj" />
     - Add needed EF packages with dotnet add package <package>
  - [ ] Create Seeder Class for <ClassNameToBeSeeded>
       - mkdir Models/
       - nano Models/classNameSeeder.cs

         (or use your ide to manage files)

  - [ ] Add data to be seeded in static methods
      //Class or Object to be seeded
      private static IList<ClassNameToBeSeeded> SeedData()
            IList<ClassNameToBeSeeded> pages = new List<ClassNameToBeSeeded>();

            // Creating objects here to pass into the context
            pages.Add(new ClassNameToBeSeeded
                // These have to match the unmapped variables in your context
                variable = "something",

            return pages;

  - [ ] Add in call to persist objects through context
       public static void SeedToDB()
            var contextOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ContextName>()

            var context = new ContextName(contextOptions);
            var sections = classNameSeeder.SeedData();

  - [ ] Call this in main
    namespace Seeder
        class Program
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                //Its static so no need to instantiate

   - [ ] Make sure your tables are created with migrations and run the program via
         dotnet run
//Useful methods for database manipulation
// reset migration for table
dotnet ef database update 0 --context <context>

//run migration for table creation
dotnet ef database update --context <context>

Example 2: database hasData method C#

// it goes into class ApplicationDbContext : DbContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        new Author
            AuthorId = 1,
            FirstName = "William",
            LastName = "Shakespeare"
        new Book { BookId = 1, AuthorId = 1, Title = "Hamlet" },
        new Book { BookId = 2, AuthorId = 1, Title = "King Lear" },
        new Book { BookId = 3, AuthorId = 1, Title = "Othello" }

   /*further relational instructions may come here, like:
        .HasMany<Book>(a => a.Books)
        .WithOne(b => b.Author)
        .HasForeignKey(b => b.AuthorId);