entity framework core database first update database after change model code example
Example 1: update models with ef core
Scaffold-DbContext "Server=myserver\mydb;Database=mydb;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -t <table> -f
Example 2: how to update modal class using dbfirst in asp.net core
Additional Tip
If you are going to update the models from time to time, here's a convenient way to simplify the process.
Head over to menu Tools > External Tools, and then Add a new menu and fill in the following entries:
Update DbContext
ef dbcontext scaffold "your-connection-string" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer --output-dir=Models --force
Initial directory:
Then optionally tick "Use Output window", hit Apply and OK.
When you go to Tools again, this new menu should be there and ready for reuse, in just a click of a button!