how to display the combination of every intergar in C# code example

Example: C# combinations

public static class PermutationsAndCombinations
    public static long nCr(int n, int r)
        // naive: return Factorial(n) / (Factorial(r) * Factorial(n - r));
        return nPr(n, r) / Factorial(r);

    public static long nPr(int n, int r)
        // naive: return Factorial(n) / Factorial(n - r);
        return FactorialDivision(n, n - r);

    private static long FactorialDivision(int topFactorial, int divisorFactorial)
        long result = 1;
        for (int i = topFactorial; i > divisorFactorial; i--)
            result *= i;
        return result;

    private static long Factorial(int i)
        if (i <= 1)
            return 1;
        return i * Factorial(i - 1);