how to find the nearest object with a tag unity code example

Example: how to find nearest gameobject unity

void FindClosest()
        float distanceToClosestEnemy = Mathf.Infinity;
        Enemy closestEnemy = null;
       //Edit Enemy in the FindObjectsOfType to a component on the object you
       //want to find nearest 
        Enemy[] allEnemies = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<Enemy>();

        foreach (Enemy currentEnemy in allEnemies)
            float distanceToEnemy = (currentEnemy.transform.position - this.transform.position).sqrMagnitude;
            if (distanceToEnemy < distanceToClosestEnemy)
                distanceToClosestEnemy = distanceToEnemy;
                closestEnemy = currentEnemy;
       //If you want to move to nearest object 
       if(allEnemies.Length > 0) 
           Ally.transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(Ally.transform.position, closestEnemy.transform.position, speedMoving * Time.deltaTime);
