laravel 8 make model code example

Example 1: laravel create model

# The easiest way to create a model instance is using the 
# make:model Artisan command:

php artisan make:model Flight

# If you would like to generate a database migration when you 
# generate the model, you may use the --migration or -m option:

php artisan make:model Flight --migration
php artisan make:model Flight -m

Example 2: laravel make model

php artisan make:model Flight --migration

php artisan make:model Flight -m

Example 3: php artisan make model

php artisan make:model Flight

Example 4: laravel make model

php artisan make:model Flight --factory
php artisan make:model Flight -f

php artisan make:model Flight --seed
php artisan make:model Flight -s

php artisan make:model Flight --controller
php artisan make:model Flight -c

php artisan make:model Flight -mfsc

Example 5: laravel update

$flight = App\Models\Flight::find(1);

$flight->name = 'New Flight Name';


Example 6: laravel scope query

$model = App\Models\Flight::where('legs', '>', 100)
            ->firstOr(['id', 'legs'], function () {
                // ...