load sprite from resources unity code example

Example 1: set sprite unity

public Sprite sprite1; // Drag your first sprite here
public Sprite sprite2; // Drag your second sprite here

private SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer; 

void Start ()
    spriteRenderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); // we are accessing the SpriteRenderer that is attached to the Gameobject
    if (spriteRenderer.sprite == null) // if the sprite on spriteRenderer is null then
        spriteRenderer.sprite = sprite1; // set the sprite to sprite1

void Update ()
    if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Space)) // If the space bar is pushed down
        ChangeTheDamnSprite (); // call method to change sprite

void ChangeTheDamnSprite ()
    if (spriteRenderer.sprite == sprite1) // if the spriteRenderer sprite = sprite1 then change to sprite2
        spriteRenderer.sprite = sprite2;
        spriteRenderer.sprite = sprite1; // otherwise change it back to sprite1

Example 2: unity resources load

// To load something from the 'Resources' folder, see examples

// Load a text file (Assets/Resources/Text/textFile01.txt)
var textFile = Resources.Load<TextAsset>("Text/textFile01");

// Load text from a JSON file (Assets/Resources/Text/jsonFile01.json)
var jsonTextFile = Resources.Load<TextAsset>("Text/jsonFile01");
// Then use JsonUtility.FromJson<T>() to deserialize jsonTextFile into an object

// Load a Texture (Assets/Resources/Textures/texture01.png)
var texture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/texture01");

// Load a Sprite (Assets/Resources/Sprites/sprite01.png)
var sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Sprites/sprite01");

// Load an AudioClip (Assets/Resources/Audio/audioClip01.mp3)
var audioClip = Resources.Load<AudioClip>("Audio/audioClip01");

Example 3: unity gameobject sprite set native size in script
