making an enumerator for music catagorys c# code example
Example: c# enum
// ---------------------- HOW TO USE ENUMS? ----------------------- //
// How to create?
public enum Colors // It needs to be defined at the namespace level (outside any class)!
red = 1,
green = 2,
blue = 3,
white = 4,
black = 5
// How to get the values?
var itemRed =;
Console.WriteLine((int)itemRed); // Using casting to convert to int
// How to get the keys?
var itemX = 4;
Console.WriteLine((Colors)itemX); // Using casting to convert to Colors
// How to convert enums to strings?
var itemBlue =;
// How to convert strings to enums?
var colorName = "green";
var enumName = (Colors)Enum.Parse(typeof(Colors), colorName);
Console.WriteLine(enumName); // To see the key
Console.WriteLine((int)enumName); // To see the value