touch in unity code example
Example 1: touch gameobject in unity
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class RaycastTest : MonoBehaviour { Vector3 touchPosWorld; //Change me to change the touch phase used. TouchPhase touchPhase = TouchPhase.Ended; void Update() { //We check if we have more than one touch happening. //We also check if the first touches phase is Ended (that the finger was lifted) if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == touchPhase) { //We transform the touch position into word space from screen space and store it. touchPosWorld = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.GetTouch(0).position); Vector2 touchPosWorld2D = new Vector2(touchPosWorld.x, touchPosWorld.y); //We now raycast with this information. If we have hit something we can process it. RaycastHit2D hitInformation = Physics2D.Raycast(touchPosWorld2D, Camera.main.transform.forward); if (hitInformation.collider != null) { //We should have hit something with a 2D Physics collider! GameObject touchedObject = hitInformation.transform.gameObject; //touchedObject should be the object someone touched. Debug.Log("Touched " +; } } } }
Example 2: unity mobile touch input
// its a simple jump on tap and while tap controller
// for a geometry dash like game
void MobileController(){
// for the touch movement
if (Input.touchCount > 0)
theTouch = Input.GetTouch(0);
if ((theTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Began || theTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary
|| theTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) && isGrounded)
myRigidbody.AddForce(Vector3.up * (jumpPower * myRigidbody.mass * myRigidbody.gravityScale * 10.0f));
isGrounded = false;