unity logs code example
Example 1: unity print to console
// To print in the console use "Debug.Log()"
Example 2: unity build see logs
using UnityEngine; namespace DebugStuff { public class ConsoleToGUI : MonoBehaviour { //#if !UNITY_EDITOR static string myLog = ""; private string output; private string stack; void OnEnable() { Application.logMessageReceived += Log; } void OnDisable() { Application.logMessageReceived -= Log; } public void Log(string logString, string stackTrace, LogType type) { output = logString; stack = stackTrace; myLog = output + "\n" + myLog; if (myLog.Length > 5000) { myLog = myLog.Substring(0, 4000); } } void OnGUI() { //if (!Application.isEditor) //Do not display in editor ( or you can use the UNITY_EDITOR macro to also disable the rest) { myLog = GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10, 10, Screen.width - 10, Screen.height - 10), myLog); } } //#endif } }
Example 3: unity log
Debug.Log("Text: " + myText.text);