when there are two remote repo i.s TanimuRa and origin. How can i push local repo 1 to TanimuSaadu/repo1 code example

Example 1: adding remote origin git

git remote add origin <link>

Example 2: git how to add remote

git remote add new_repo_name ssh://git@somerepo.repo.dev:foo/bar/baz.git
# Note the new_repo_name. This doesn't replace your origin.
git remote -v
# The above will display
new_repo_name	https://second.repo.dev/foo/bar.git (fetch)
new_repo_name	https://second.repo.dev/foo/bar.git (push)
origin	        https://first.repo.dev/bar/baz.git (fetch)
origin 	        https://first.repo.dev/bar/baz.git (push)