yield return waitforseconds unity code example

Example 1: Time delay C# unity

void start()

IEnumerator Text()  //  <-  its a standalone method
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(3)

Example 2: waitforseconds unity

public void GameOver()
			//Set levelText to display number of levels passed and game over message
			levelText.text = "After " + level + " months, you starved.";

			new WaitForSeconds(6);



Example 3: wait for a second unity

void Start()
        //Start the coroutine we define below named ExampleCoroutine.

    IEnumerator ExampleCoroutine()
        //Print the time of when the function is first called.
        Debug.Log("Started Coroutine at timestamp : " + Time.time);

        //yield on a new YieldInstruction that waits for 5 seconds.
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);

        //After we have waited 5 seconds print the time again.
        Debug.Log("Finished Coroutine at timestamp : " + Time.time);