animate-css/animate.css code example
Example 1: animate.css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Animation Using Animate.css Library
We can use these styling to apply animate.css using css:
animation: bounce;
animation-duration: 2s;
animation-delay: 1s;
Utility classes: (Animate.css comes packed with a few utility classes to simplify its use)
Always use "animate__animated" keyword to activate animation. Then we can use below classes to start animation.
animate__fadeIn animate__slow 2s animate__repeat-1 1 animate__delay-2s
animate__fadeInDown animate__slower 3s animate__repeat-2 2 animate__delay-3s
animate__fadeInLeft animate__fast 800ms animate__repeat-3 3 animate__delay-4s
animate__fadeInRight animate__faster 500ms
Example 2: how to animate in css
background:red; /*DEFAULT VALUE*/
animation:colorchange 1s; /*ANIMATION PROPERTY [name, time]*/
@keyframes colorchange{
from{background:red} /*DEFAULT VALUE*/
to{background:blue} /*CHANGING VALUE*/
<div class="myclass"> ELEMENT </div>