checkout previous commit code example

Example 1: how do i get the last commit

$ git reset --soft HEAD~1

Example 2: after checking out a previous commit go back to latest commit

git checkout <commit hash>	# go to previous commit
git revert <commit hash>  	# revert action of going to previous commit

Example 3: git checkout previous commit

git reset --hard HEAD~10
To rollback 10 commits back:

Example 4: git pull from previous commit

# This will detach your HEAD, that is, leave you with no branch checked out:
git checkout 0d1d7fc32

Example 5: checkout master with previous commit

git checkout 307a5cd        # check out the commit that you want to reset to 
git checkout -b fixy        # create a branch named fixy to do the work
git merge -s ours master    # merge master's history without changing any files
git checkout master         # switch back to master
git merge fixy              # and merge in the fixed branch
git push                    # done, no need to force push!

Example 6: git checkout previous commit HEAD

# Checkout a given commit.
# Doing so will result in a `detached HEAD` which mean that the `HEAD`
# is not pointing to the latest so you will need to checkout branch
# in order to be able to update the code.
git checkout <commit-id>

# Create a new branch forked to the given commit
git checkout -b <branch name>


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