comment box in html code example
Example 1: html comment
<!--This is a comment in html.-->
<!--You can put comments enywhere! It does not care if it is mid peice of
code in a peice of code! You must put the ending arrows in or it will
think everything is a comment! Note you can comment over multiple lines.
Use a ! at the start arrow, this may not make sence as the rest of
html uses tags where ! is at the ends.-->
Example 2: html comment
<!--HTML Comment Example! HTML Comments do not affect your code in
any way, comments can be used to take notes to yourself, or if you
are working with a team, this could be a good way to communicate
without messing up any of your code. Comments will not be shown
in your HTML webpage. -->
Example 3: form::textarea
{!! Form::textarea('placeOfDeath',null,['class'=>'form-control', 'rows' => 2, 'cols' => 40]) !!}