css child nth code example
Example 1: nth-child() css
/* Selects the second <li> element in a list */
li:nth-child(2) {
color: lime;
/* Selects every fourth element
among any group of siblings */
:nth-child(4n) {
color: lime;
Example 2: nth-child(2n+1)
/* Select the first list item */
li:nth-child(1) { }
/* Select the 5th list item */
li:nth-child(5) { }
/* Select every other list item starting with first */
li:nth-child(odd) { }
/* Select every 3rd list item starting with first */
li:nth-child(3n) { }
/* Select every 3rd list item starting with 2nd */
li:nth-child(3n - 1) { }
/* Select every 3rd child item, as long as it has class "el" */
.el:nth-child(3) { }
Example 3: select odd child css
li:nth-child(odd) { /* Selects only odd elements */
color: green;
Example 4: css nth-child
/* Select the first list item */
li:nth-child(1) { }
/* Select odd list items */
li:nth-child(odd) { }
/* Select even list items */
li:nth-child(even) { }
/* Select each list item every 3 (3,6,9...) */
li:nth-child(3n) { }
/* Select each list item every 3 starting from the fourth (4,7,10...) */
li:nth-child(3n+1) { }