hex code color picker code example
Example 1: hex color picker
For anyone wondering, hex color is just in base 16. So 255 (max color) is FF.
The 6 long string of characters is just the Red Green and Blue channels (RRGGBB).
Which means you shouldn't have to look it up unless you're going for an exact color.
Hex numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21.. etc.
Example 2: color in html
<!-- Color in HTML by inline-css -->
<p style="color: red; background-color: blue;">
This text is red and the background is blue
Example 3: possible colors used for html
#FF0000 means FF worth of Red, and no Green or Blue. The result is RED.
#0000FF means no Red or Green, and FF worth of Blue. The result is BLUE.
#FFFF00 means FF worth of Red and Green, and Blue. The result is YELLOW.
#000000 means no Red, Green, or Blue. The result is BLACK.
#FFFFFF means full FF amounts of Red, Green, and Blue. The result is WHITE.
#FFEFD5 has high values for all colors, giving a light result: PAPAYAWHIP.
(no, I don't know who thought up the color names.)
#556B2F has lower values for all colors, giving a darker result: DARKOLIVEGREEN.