import math in python 3 code example

Example 1: math pyhon ?

operator   |  name                    | example |
+			Addition	    			x + y	
-			Subtraction	    			x - y	
*			Multiplication				x * y	
/			Division	    			x / y	
%			Modulus     				x % y	
**			Exponentiation				x ** y	
//			Floor division				x // y

Operator |           Name                  | Example |
==				Equal	       				x == y	
!=				Not equal					x != y	
>				Greater than				x > y	
<				Less than					x < y	
>=				Greater than or equal to	x >= y	
<=				Less than or equal to	    x <= y

Operator  |	Example	|
=	     	x = 5	
+=			x += 3	
-=			x -= 3	
*=			x *= 3		
/=			x /= 3	
%=			x %= 3		
//=			x //= 3	
**=			x **= 3	
&=			x &= 3	
|=			x |= 3			
^=			x ^= 3			
>>=			x >>= 3				
<<=			x <<= 3

Example 2: python mathematics

// Python mathematical functions include but are not limited to:
print(10+10) // Returns 20 (Addition)
print(10*10) // Returns 100 (Multiplication)
print(10/10) // Returns 1 (Division)
print(10**10) // Returns 10000000000 (10 to the power of 10, 10^10)
print(10-10) // Returns 0 (Subtraction)
print(10>100) // Returns False (If A is greater than B)
print(10<100) // Returns True (If A is less than B)
print(10==10) // Returns True (If A is equal to B)

import math // Required for the function below
print(math.pi) // Returns the first 15 decimal places of Pi


Css Example