jquery get all elements with class code example

Example 1: get all classes of element jquery

var classList = $('#divId').attr('class').split(/\s+/);
$.each(classList, function(index, item) {
    if (item === 'someClass') {
        //do something

Example 2: find class using jquery

var myVar = $("#start").find('.myClass').val();

Example 3: jquery get all value from class

var ek = $('.seconds').map((_,el) => el.value).get()

Example 4: jquery get all classes of a div

var classes = $('#test').attr('class').split(' ');

alert(classes[0]); // first class
alert(classes[1]); // second class
alert(classes[2]); // third class

Example 5: jquery find tag and class

$(".txtClass")                  =>  getElementsByClassName()

$("#childDiv2 .txtClass")       =>  getElementById(),
                                    then getElementsByClassName()

$("#childDiv2 > .txtClass")     =>  getElementById(),
                                    then iterate over children and check class

$("input.txtClass")             =>  getElementsByTagName(),
                                    then iterate over results and check class

$("#childDiv2 input.txtClass")  =>  getElementById(),
                                    then getElementsByTagName(),
                                    then iterate over results and check class

Example 6: jquery find

$( "li.item-ii" ).find( "li" ).css( "background-color", "red" );


Css Example