js cursor code example

Example 1: style.cursor javascript

<p id="demo" style="cursor:wait;">Mouse over me.</p>
    parag = document.getElementById("demo");
    parag.style.cursor = "crosshair";
    parag.style.cursor = "help";
    parag.style.cursor = "pointer";

Example 2: foreach db mongodb

// Switch to admin database and get list of databases.
db = db.getSiblingDB("admin");
dbs = db.runCommand({ "listDatabases": 1 }).databases;
// Iterate through each database and get its collections.
dbs.forEach(function(database) {
    db = db.getSiblingDB(database.name);
    cols = db.getCollectionNames();
    // Iterate through each collection.
    cols.forEach(function(col) {
        // Do something with each collection.

Example 3: position of the mouse cursor javascript

(function() {
    document.onmousemove = handleMouseMove;
    function handleMouseMove(event) {
        var eventDoc, doc, body;

        event = event || window.event; // IE-ism

        // If pageX/Y aren't available and clientX/Y are,
        // calculate pageX/Y - logic taken from jQuery.
        // (This is to support old IE)
        if (event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null) {
            eventDoc = (event.target && event.target.ownerDocument) || document;
            doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
            body = eventDoc.body;

            event.pageX = event.clientX +
              (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) -
              (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
            event.pageY = event.clientY +
              (doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0) -
              (doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0 );

        // Use event.pageX / event.pageY here


Css Example