js open in new window code example

Example 1: javascript open new window

<a onclick="window.open(document.URL, '_blank', 'location=yes,height=570,width=520,scrollbars=yes,status=yes');">
Open New Window

Example 2: open new window javascript


Example 3: open new window in java script

<script type="text/javascript">
var windowObjectReference = null; // global variable

function openRequestedPopup(url, windowName) {
  if(windowObjectReference == null || windowObjectReference.closed) {
    windowObjectReference = window.open(url, windowName,
  } else {


 onclick="openRequestedPopup(this.href, this.target); return false;"
 title="This link will create a new window or will re-use an already opened one"
>Promote Firefox adoption</a></p>

Example 4: open new window in java script

<script type="text/javascript">
var windowObjectReference = null; // global variable

function openFFPromotionPopup() {
  if(windowObjectReference == null || windowObjectReference.closed)
  /* if the pointer to the window object in memory does not exist
     or if such pointer exists but the window was closed */

    windowObjectReference = window.open("http://www.spreadfirefox.com/",
   "PromoteFirefoxWindowName", "resizable,scrollbars,status");
    /* then create it. The new window will be created and
       will be brought on top of any other window. */
    /* else the window reference must exist and the window
       is not closed; therefore, we can bring it back on top of any other
       window with the focus() method. There would be no need to re-create
       the window or to reload the referenced resource. */


 onclick="openFFPromotionPopup(); return false;"
 title="This link will create a new window or will re-use an already opened one"
>Promote Firefox adoption</a></p>


Css Example