link font in html code example

Example 1: font tag html

Not Supported in HTML 5 | Support till HTML 4
<font color="red" face="Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" size="+1">
  Your formatted text goes here

Example 2: html tag

<!--The font tag is no longer supported in HTML5, 
you have to have HTML4.
Not all of the tags are needed. You can use 1 or more of them
to change what the text looks like.-->

<font color="color" face="font family or font" size="size">
	Go to my account profile to invite my Discord Bot! :DDDDDD

Example 3: css how to embed fonts

/************* How to embed fonts using GOOGLE FONTS? ******************
This will ensure that the Font type of your choice will appear for all 
users, regardless of whether or not they have this Font installed!

1º -  Go to

2º - Choose a Font and, for that particular choice, you mark the option: 
     "Select this style". Do this for every Font you wish to incorporate

3º - In the page of your "Selected Family", go to the option "Embed"

4º - Copy the link and paste in the <header> of your html file: */
<link href="" 
  rel="stylesheet"> /*

5º - Finish by copying the "CSS rules to specify families" that the site 
gives you and (in your css file) pasting a new property to your element, 
for exemple: */

h1 {
  font-family: "Sacramento", cursive;

Example 4: how font file link in style tag html

@font-face {
  font-family: myFirstFont;
  src: url(sansation_light.woff);

div {
  font-family: myFirstFont;


Css Example