scss value array code example
Example: scss array
In Sass < 3.3 you can use multidimensional lists:
$numbers: (3 "three") (4 "four");
@each $i in $numbers {
.#{nth($i,2)}-#{nth($i,1)} {
In Sass >= 3.3 we get maps:
$numbers: ("3": "three", "4": "four");
@each $number, $i in $numbers {
.#{$i}-#{$number} {
So in terms of fractions, you could just do something in this direction, so that you don't need multiple lists or maps:
$number: 6;
$name: (
("two" "halv" "halves"),
("three" "third" "thirds"),
("four" "quarter" "quarters"),
("five" "fifth" "fifths"),
("six" "sixth" "sixsths")
and then whatever you want to do with your loops ... maybe even something like this =D
@for $i from 1 to $number {
@for $j from 2 through $number {
.#{ nth( nth( $name, $i ), 1 ) }-#{
if( $i>1,
nth( nth( $name, $j ), 3 ),
nth( nth( $name, $j ), 2 )
)} {
(I wrote it this way so that you can notice in @for, that using to goes to n - 1)