cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

If you're having this issue with "curl" (or similar) on a Ubuntu 16 system, here's how we fixed it:

On the Ubuntu 16 system hosting the curl / app that fails:

  • nano /etc/ca-certificates.conf
  • Remove the line (or comment) specifying AddTrust_External_Root.crt
  • apt update && apt install ca-certificates
  • update-ca-certificates -f -v
  • Try curl again with the URL that was failing before - hopefully it works now :)

To fix the problem, remove the expired root certificate from your domain certificate.

  1. Go to
  2. Test Your Server
  3. If they confirm you you have an expired root certificate, download and use the .crt without this certificate.

For ubuntu 14.04

Open your terminal

sudo su
wget -O SHA-2_Root_USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.crt --no-check-certificate
cp SHA-2_Root_USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.crt /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/

Then dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates and uncheck mozilla/AddTrust_External_Root.crt and check mozilla/2_Root_USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.crt
or run sudo update-ca-certificates for uncheck those.


