[CurrencyFormatter(CultureName = "en-US", CurrencyName = "USD")] code example
Example: [CurrencyFormatter(CultureName = "en-US", CurrencyName = "USD")]
namespace YourProjectNameHere {
export class CurrencyFormatter implements Slick.Formatter {
public cultureName: string;
public currencyName: string;
format(ctx: Slick.FormatterContext) {
//If the input is not a float - just bounce it back
if (isNaN(parseFloat(ctx.value))) {
return ctx.value;
//Use standard currency formatting; This can be modified for other styles (% etc).
//If no parameters passed then fallback to en-US , USD formatting.
this.cultureName = this.cultureName ? this.cultureName : 'en-US';
this.currencyName = this.currencyName ? this.currencyName : 'USD';
var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(this.cultureName, {
style: 'currency',
currency: this.currencyName,
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
//use the above formatter to return the reformatted value
var percentValue = formatter.format(Number(ctx.value));
return "<span>" + percentValue + '</span>';