Cursor is huge on Ubuntu due to high resolution monitor

I ended up solving it myself (kind of). It's not the ultimate way, but it's a workaround that I can live with myself.

Essentially, I took the original sources of the DMZ-Cursors package and created a fork of DMZ-Black, then I removed the 32x32 and 42x42 images, and am now using that as my cursor set.

For convenience sake, I've put up my version of DMZ-Black on Github:

If you wish to do the same with DMZ-White, simply download the sources here, copy DMZ-White, and remove all lines mentioning 32x32 and 42x42 in the *.in files. You can also remove the folders for those images if you want. Then simply run and copy the generated cursor files (in ../xcursors) to your cursors folder. (You can take my install script and as an example.)

cursor settings

I was able to fix this in Kubuntu 19.10 by changing from "resolution dependent" to a fixed size in the Cursor settings.

I came up against this same issue, but didn't want to switch to one of the DMZ cursor themes, so I figured out how to apply @Angelo Geels' method to the Oxygen cursor themes:

# Ensure that dependencies are installed
sudo apt-get install cmake inkscape

# Download the cursor source

# Unpack
tar -xvzf oxygencursors_0.0.2012-06-kde4.8.orig.tar.gz
cd oxygencursors-0.0.2012-06-kde4.8.orig

# The critical modification step
sed -i "s/90 180 270/90/" theme-*/CMakeLists.txt

# Prepare the build directory
mkdir build
cd build

# Build the cursors
cmake ..
make # This will take a long time, so use -j<n> or specify a single cursor to build (make theme-<color>)

When this process is done, the modified themes will be in build/packages to install however you wish (with lxappearance, for example).