Curve Integral typeset problem

(\nabla\Psi)\cdot \mathrm{d}{\vec{s}}



\abovedisplayskip=0pt\relax% don't use this line in your production
\Psi(2)-\Psi(1) = \int_{\substack{(1)\\\po\Gamma}}^{(2)}(\nabla\Psi)\cdot \textrm{d}\vec{s}


enter image description here

Compare with the scanned image on the question.

enter image description here

Is there any significant difference? I don't think so.

TeX Primitives are still cool:


    \Psi(2)-\Psi(1) = 

Edit 1: There is one thing that I would adjust. Instead of the \text{po}\,\Gamma, I would rather do


and replace it by \po\Gamma.

Edit 2: For size correction of the subscript you have to do _{\scriptstyle (1)\atop\scriptstyle\po\Gamma}.

enter image description here